How Do I Sign Up?
Coaches conduct preseason meetings to explain procedures and policies for the WMS athletic programs. 7th and 8th graders are eligible for all programs and 6th graders are eligible for spring track.
What is Needed to Participate?
All Middle School athletes need three things complete prior to being allowed to participate/try out.
1) Athletes must have an up to date physical examination from a physician. The physical will be valid for one year from the date it is given.
2) Athletes must have a completed Health History Update form for each season they wish to compete.
3) Parents must complete the athletic permission forms on the Genesis Portal.
What Sports do we Offer?
Fall - Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball
Winter - Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Wrestling
Some of our athletic programs have a limited number of participants, so our coaches do conduct cuts after a tryout period.
When are the practices?
Practice is every day after school between 3:30-5:30, Monday - Friday.
Athletes are expected to be fully committed and attend all practices and games.
How does an athlete get to games?
It is required that all team members travel to and from athletic contests on school district provided transportation. Should a student need to ride to or from a contest in a private vehicle (due to extraordinary circumstances) the student may ride with his/her parents only. A transportation release form must be handed in to the athletic department in advance. Transportation release forms are on the athletic website.
Are Athletes Guaranteed Playing Time?
Middle School athletes are not guaranteed playing time. Coaches decide who plays and how much playing time they receive. If you have a question about playing time, please reach out to the head coach of the sport. Our coaches are listed on the athletic webpage under the coaches directory.