There are times when academic or developmental deficiencies make retention a viable option in order to ensure the continued progress of an individual student.  Retention is considered in consultation between parents, teachers, guidance counselor, and the administration. 


    Students who fail more than one major subject shall be required to eliminate all failures but one by successfully completing a summer school program, a summer tutoring program, or an alternative educational summer program approved by the building principal.  No more than two major subjects may be made up in the summer.  Participation in these programs must have the prior approval of the Waldwick Middle School Principal.  Students who continue to have more than one failure in major subjects by the beginning of the next school year shall repeat the sixth, seventh and eighth grade.  


    Eighth grade students who have two or more failures at the end of the school year will not be permitted to participate in the promotional ceremony.  He/she will, however, need to attend summer school for at least one class in order to be promoted.  


    Major subjects shall include English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Literature/Reading.