• Attendance
    Regular attendance is essential for success in school.  The only reasons that an absence will be excused are for religious holidays and "Take Your Child to Work Day" and require a written note from a parent.  Excessive absences will have an adverse impact on performance and can prevent promotion to the next grade level.


    For the safety of your child, the school district's policy requires that a parent contact the attendance line by telephone (201-445-0690 and then press 1) before 8:15am every day their child is absent to report the reason for the absence.  


    Notice of a planned absence, such as for religious holidays, doctor and dentist appointments, and other family needs should be sent in the day before the student will be out.  Parents are urged to schedule out-of-town trips during the five school breaks or over the summer vacation from school.  If a family trip must occur during school sessions, parents must notify the teacher, in writing, at least one week prior to the student's scheduled absence.

    If your child is absent, you can request work by emailing their teacher.  The teacher will leave the work outside on the table for pick up AFTER dismissal.  You can pick up during the day if arrangements have been made with the teacher.