• School Hours


    Kindergarten: 8:15am - 2:35pm 


    Grades 1-5:   8:15am - 2:45pm



    Arrival to School


    • Kindergarten students may be dropped off at the Gateway Court entrance beginning at 8:00am.


    • Students in grades 1-5 may be dropped off at the main entrance at 7:55am.


    • Please see that your children do not arrive on school grounds prior to these drop-off times, as NO supervision will be provided.



    Morning Drop-Off Procedures


    • Please stay in line as you move to the front of the school where safety patrol students will open your car door to help your child(ren) out safely.


    • Children should exit the car on the curb side only.


    • Parents MUST remain in their cars when stopped in the drop-off line.


    • Do not pull out of the line and pass others; this could easily cause an accident.



    Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures


    • When picking up your children, park in a visitor space or around the circle behind the teachers' cars.


    • The front of the school, fire lanes, and curb area must be kept clear for buses and handicapped parking.


    • If you are parked behind the teachers' cars, please have your children enter your car on the side next to the parked vehicles, away from the flow of traffic.  


    • Students are not permitted to wait for their parents on the playground after dismissal.  All students remaining on school grounds after 3:00 MUST be accompanied by their parent/guardian.  NO supervision of students is available after this time.